Friday, September 8, 2017

The 3 Common Fat Loss Dieting Mistakes of Women

A woman on a diet has many suitors. The weight loss world is full of companies and self-appointed experts competing for her attention, often spreading misinformation and making impossible promises.

It’s so predictable. They just want to get into her…pocketbook.

If you’re a woman struggling with weight issues and dying to lose fat, there’s a good chance you have heard some unreliable information, causing you to make a mistake or two. Just a bit of misinformation can make fat loss seem like a code to crack.

It doesn’t need to be as complicated as it seems. By learning these mistakes, you can quickly unlock your potential and get back to getting results.

Let’s look at the three need-to-know fat loss dieting mistakes.

Starvation Diets

If 1400 calories is good, 1000 must be better, right? Wrong. Your body needs fuel to burn fat fast. As strange as it may sound, if you cut your calories back too far, your body will actually begin conserving its store of fat.

Think about wild animals in winter. When they eat less and less each day, the body gets “worried” and prepares itself for continued scarcity of food. Your body is the same. Too little food, and it will preserve its energy stores (i.e. fat) as long as possible. You may experience initial success, but it will quickly plateau.

You want to use a moderate calorie deficit, like the one detailed in the 2 Week Diet plan. This plan ensures your metabolism stays highly active for optimized fat loss.

Overdoing Cardio Training

If there’s one mistake that most women make in common, it’s hours spent on cardio machines. While some smart cardio training (such as sprint training) can be beneficial for fat loss, there’s no need to chain yourself to the treadmill, bike, or elliptical. In fact, doing so can do more harm than good.

Alternatively, what you need is an easy-to-follow weight training program that focuses on key lifts that make you stronger.

Check out The 2 Week Diet workout program if you need assistance in this area. This program will streamline the top calorie burning exercises that firm and tone your body while helping you lose fat quickly.

Over-complicating The Process

Finally, the last big mistake that many women fall prey to is over-complicated programs. Diet plans with a million rules and regulations only lead to confusion, demotivate, and eventually giving up.

Simplicity is best. A few smart, easy-to-follow guidelines are most effective for superior results.

Fat loss isn’t rocket science. It boils down to fueling your body with the right food choices and amount of energy. That encourages the body to burn fat cells for energy.

For a complete break down, consider using The 2 Week Diet plan, which has produced amazing results for thousands without making you feel like you need a Ph.D. in nutrition to succeed.

If you see yourself making any of these 3 most common fat loss dieting mistakes, then forgive yourself, make a change, and get on track to a healthier, more energetic future.

Monday, July 31, 2017

The 3 Fat-Loss Foods That Could Fail Your Weight Loss Plan

You are 100% sure you are putting enough effort according to the weight loss plan but still no improvement to put on your record sheet.
Many people find themselves in this position. They are working hard on their approach and taking care to follow their diet to the letter. But yet, something is amiss. The scale just isn’t going downward and they aren’t getting the results they were hoping for.

What could possibly gone wrong?

Often, the big problem is not their effort or motivation. The problem is that they are letting certain foods into their diet plan that are sabotaging their results. Often these foods are designed to be fat loss foods but they really aren’t. Instead, they’re holding you back from success.

What are these foods? Let’s go over three foods that you need to cut out of your diet immediately.

3 Foods That You Need To Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight Fast

Fruit Flavored Yogurts

Fruit flavored yogurts are a favorite among many dieters but little do they know they’re digging into pint-sized sugar bombs each time they eat a small container.

Next time you’re picking out your favorite yogurt, double check the sugar content. You might just find yourself surprised to know there are 15 or more grams of sugar per serving.

Of course you can purchase the sugar-free varieties, but then you’ll be taking in a number of unwanted artificial sweeteners, which can be just as bad for you.

Instead, opt for plain Greek yogurt. Flavor it yourself by adding a handful of fresh berries.

Fat-Free Products

Next up on the list of foods that you want to get out of your diet plan are any products that are built to be ‘fat free’. These often state that they are fat free on the label and proud of it.

But ask yourself, if the fat is removed, what is added? Something had to be added otherwise these just wouldn’t taste good.

The answer to that is sugar. Sugar has often been added to these foods and is what is causing them to still taste appealing.

And, if you are trying to lose body fat, sugar is just as bad — if not worse — than fat is.

Protein Bars

Finally, the last of the foods that you need to be careful about including in your weight loss plan are protein bars. These may seem like a great option since they do contain protein and you’re probably trying to get more protein into your day.

But once again, you need to check that sugar content. Most protein bars are upwards of 15 grams of sugar or more per bar. Some measure in as high as 30 or even 40 grams of sugar depending on the calorie content.

In actuality, these aren’t much more than a glorified chocolate bar. While you can buy a few bars that do keep the sugar content very low (five grams or less per bar), you do need to search for those. Be careful about buying these bars.

So there are 3 foods that you may be currently eating that could be causing you some issues. Are any of these in your diet?
If they are, then you really need to avoid them if you plan to lose weight fast.

If you want to learn the two must-eat foods that will help catapult fat loss into high gear, make sure that you check out the fast fat loss diets, which goes over the harmful and helpful foods for weight loss.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Natural Weight Loss Remedies

Losing weight for real?
Weight loss is a difficult battle for most people. Being over-weight is not cool. Being over-weight is sick. Being over-weight is ugly. Being over-weight is bla bla bla...
If you are want to lose weight for real, try these natural remedies, plus do more activities that can make you sweat, sweating like it's rain from your body.

5 Effective Tonics That Are Known to Aid Weight Loss

Shed those extra weight without crash diets but by resorting to natural remedies.

Weight loss is a perpetual issue bothering most of us. We resort to numerous ways to shed those unwanted kilos and get rid of those flab. Some work but some fail terribly, dampening our spirits. Yet the fight continues. Consult any health expert and the first warning you get is to not resort to extreme measures. So don't depend on crash diets or excessive workouts, instead you could turn to natural remedies to kick-start your weight loss journey. Remember, patience is the key, and all good things come slowly and steadily.

Dive into the science of Ayurveda and you will discover that there are many health tonics that can help you deal with a lot of health issues, right from digestion to inducing sleep or weight loss. Yes, you heard us. You can actually drink your way to a slimmer you. Take a look -

1. Warm Water with Honey and Lemon

This is the most common tonic for weight loss, which is followed in many Indian households. Drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning along with a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of honey is said to detoxify the system, help in fat metabolism, and improve bowel movement, among other benefits.

2. Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is water with a higher pH level than normal drinking water, and is meant to induce a basic nature in the body. This water is made of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. It is said that alkaline water helps in maintaining the pH balance in the stomach. It is touted to aid in detoxifying the body as well as promote weight loss. You can even make it at home by adding lemon slices and a pinch of salt to a pitcher of water and letting it rest overnight. Drink it first thing in the morning.

3. Cabbage Juice

It may not sound like a delicious drink, but cabbage juice could be your health fix when you need to rejuvenate. It comes packed with nutrients such as Vitamin C, Potassium etc. According to experts, drinking cabbage juice on a daily basis can help in purifying the upper section of the intestines, which makes the elimination of waste material from the body easy, thus helping with digestion and promoting weight loss.

4. Ajwain Water

Ajwain contains thymol, an essential oil that gives the spice its distinct taste and health benefits. Ajwain water is known to boost digestion, and bring about a carminative effect. One sure shot way to lose weight in a healthy way is to make sure the digestive system works well. When food gets digested and eliminated properly, the chances of unwarranted weight gain are lower.

5. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera juice comes loaded with a bevy of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants essential for our body. Daily consumption of Aloe Vera juice is believed to fight and cure a range of digestive disorders including poor digestion, constipation, acidity and gas. It is also beneficial in boosting appetite and keeping a check on weight gain. It is advised to have it first thing in the morning.
( source: )

There you have it!
Losing weight for real with natural weight loss remedies.