Saturday, August 20, 2011

How To Lose Weight - 10 Weight Loss Tips

If losing weight can reduce your risk of serious health problems, then go for it!

Being overweight or obese raises your risk of many serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, and even cancer. But losing even a few pounds can reduce these risks!

One pound = 3,500 calories.
- If you eat 3,500 calories more than you burn,you gain a pound.
- If you burn 3,500 calories more than you eat,you lose a pound.

The exact number of calories a person needs depends on age, sex, and activity level.
- Most men ages 41 to 60 need about 2,200 calories a day.
- Most women the same age need fewer – between 1,600 and 1,800 a day.

To lose weight and keep it off, don’t suffer and DON’T DO “FAD” DIETS, but make changes you enjoy and can stick with long-term.

If you are planning to lose weight, here's what you can do:

10 Weight Loss Tips

  1. Take your time. Aim to lose only 1 or 2 pounds a week. People who lose weight faster are more likely to gain it back. Don’t be tempted by “fad” diets and drugs.They don’t work for long, and some are dangerous.
  2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Keep a daily food diary for a while. Most people eat out of habit and are unaware of how much they consume. Don’t eat in front of the TV. Get a real plate and sit down at the table. Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes to start feeling full. People who eat too fast often eat too much.
  3. Watch your empty-beverage calories. One regular can of soda,or one sugary drink has about 150 empty calories (no nutritional value). One less sugar-sweetened drink a day = a 15-lb. weight loss in a year. Drink water, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk instead of regular soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks.
  4. Prepare more meals at home. It’s easier to know and control what you eat when you prepare your own food. Home-cooked meals are usually healthier and less expensive than eating out. Read Nutrition Facts labels when you shop.
  5. Choose carefully when eating out. To lose weight, eat out less. Some entrees and large fast-food meals have more than 1,500 calories -- almost enough for a whole day! When you do eat out, watch out for large portions. Split an order, or take half of it home. Choose healthier items, such as salads (but watch the dressing!)
  6. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Aim for 5 to 9 servings a day. They help keep you healthy – and fill you up on very few calories.
  7. Feel full on fewer calories. Make smarter choices.You could have 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables for every one fast-food taco salad (800 calories). Choose high-fiber foods that fill you up: fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, and whole-grain cereals, breads, and pasta. Have a broth-based soup or green salad at the start of a meal. Drink plenty of water – at least 8 glasses a day.
  8. Choose healthier snacks. Snack on fruits and vegetables instead of candy, cookies, and chips. Try pretzels, low-fat popcorn, or low-fat frozen yogurt.
  9. Don’t skip breakfast. People who eat breakfast lose weight easier. Skipping meals makes you hungrier and more likely to overeat.
  10. Get moving! Physical activity improves mood and makes you healthier – even if you don’t lose weight. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, such as brisk walk, at least 5 days a week. You don’t have to join a gym or buy a lot of expensive equipment. Just walking burns calories, improves heart health, and strengthens muscles. Get off the bus or subway one stop early and walk the rest of the way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
There you have, 10 weight loss tips that really work.

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