Thursday, December 22, 2011

How Drinking Sufficient Water Help You Lose Weight Fast

Are you aware that by simply increasing your water intake can assist you to lose weight fast? Benefits of drinking water for weight loss is usually an easy start to assist you on the path to reduce excess weight. Simply making certain that you’re completely hydrated makes your body system working to the uppermost level of which means burning up fat laden calories, which in turn means losing weight fast.

Occasionally your body carves for foods, or is it? It might be craving for water since it battles to wear out the food on your body. So individuals usually look exhausted and so they tuck into a high calorie break to allow them a supercharge, nevertheless definitely their body was simply just requiring a serving of water. That is why the benefits of drinking water for weight loss could be a remarkably effective. But you can find much more factors to consume water.

When your body is lacking in water it has difficulties functioning. Which means compression of food as well as flushing away the waste. Meaning even though you are eating a healthy eating habits, then your dehydrated body as a result of deficiency of water are not able to make the most of hundreds of good food stuffs you put in ones mouth. Additionally with regards to flushing away the waste, its less effective which can imply higher cholesterol and awful skin complexion.

With sufficient water within your system your body functions a lot better. Your metabolism increases, your energy concentrations boost and that winds up in your burning up a lot more fat laden calories. Drinking enough water for weight loss is perfect if you’re on a diet plan since it will get you to your objectives faster and much healthier. Not only will probably one’s body manage to make the most of the better diet plan, nevertheless , you may also experience a whole lot improved with regards to yourself generally.

The gurus state it is best to consume 8 glasses of water daily. This depends upon where you live and also just what exactly one does. I really suggest that in getting up each morning you consume a minimum of two glasses of water. Make that a part of ones routine just as much as getting a bath. Your internal organs were functioning all night even though you’re sleeping, this has used water so you have to change it. That early morning top up of water can certainly lessen the hurry sensation of “must have breakfast”.

Consume water the whole day. Keep away from sugary sodas as well as fruit juices as they definitely consist of many components that your body will likely then prefer to eliminate from its process using a lot more water. If where you live the water would not taste so good in that case contract in a handful of drops of lime or of lemon juice. In the event you take sweet coffee, try to moderate the consumption as well as at the least match your ingestion with the same quantity of water.

If you’re serious about the benefits of drinking water for fast weight loss it is very important notice that you could consume a lot of water at the same time and this can provide you with troubles. Keep in mind one’s body and “listen” to it.

Benefits of drinking water for weight loss is good for a low cost as well as healthful start to lose weight fast. Help your body system today by escalating your water consumption, you will possess a lot more energy, better complexion and feeling great.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When it Comes to Losing Weight, How Much You Know About Burning Fat

Busting the Great Myths of Fat Burning
By Tony Ryan and Martica Heaner

Your body burns either fat or carbs depending on the intensity of your activity. But when it comes to losing weight, calories are calories. You burn fat even when you're in couch-potato mode. Yet, a lot of misunderstanding prevails.

Get ready to break down some of the myths people have about burning fat:

Myth: The body completely shuts off one fuel source when it turns on the other.

The Truth: What has often been misunderstood by both exercisers and exercise instructors alike is that the body relies on both fat and carbs for energy all the time, albeit in different ratios. In fact, as you sit here reading, you may be burning about 50-60 percent fat and 50-40 percent carbohydrates. You're not using much of either, however, because the amount of calories you need probably amounts to about one or two calories a minute. If you were to get up and start jogging in place, your body would need to supply you with some quick energy to do so, so the metabolism ratio might shift to drawing upon more carbohydrates, say 70 percent, and less fat, say 30 percent. If you were to continue jogging, then, in order to preserve the carbs (which can run out since you have limited stores in the body), your body would gradually shift its metabolism ratio again to say, 60 percent fat and 40 percent carbohydrates. From an energy efficiency point of view, it pays to be fit. The endurance athlete would be able to make the shift sooner, and his fat-burning percentage might be 65-75 percent. However, in practical terms this is purely technotalk, and these ratios don't make a big difference when it comes to losing weight and decreasing your body fat. For the most part, athletes are often leaner not because they might rely on slightly more fat for fuel, but because they practice their sport two to three, or more, hours a day — this burns a lot of calories. If you had the time, energy, and fitness level to work out three hours a day, being overweight would probably not be an issue. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than your body consumes and uses everyday. Exercise is one main way to burn a lot of calories. But when it comes to weight loss, what matters is how many calories you burn, not so much whether they are fat or carbohydrate calories.

Myth: Exercise done at a low intensity, such as walking, is better at fat burning than other high-intensity activities, like running or cardio activities where you push yourself very hard.

The Truth: In a strict scientific sense, these claims are true because working at a lower intensity requires less quick energy and a higher percentage of fat is burned. But you'll also burn fewer calories than you would if, for the same amount of time, you work out at a harder intensity (running versus walking). If you're trying to lose weight, even though a higher percentage of fat is being used, a lower total amount of fat is lost.

Whether increased fat burning will result in actual weight loss is dependent upon several variables, including the total calories burned (which include both fat and carbohydrate calories) and the total fat calories burned. If you do work at a low intensity, you need to increase the time spent exercising to burn more calories. What matters most is the total number of calories burned. If you burned 250 calories every day from a short, fast jog, you'd see a bigger difference in weight and fat loss than if you walked everyday for the same amount of time. The number of fat calories you burn isn't that important, because even if you burn a lot of carb calories, these need to be replaced both by the carbs you eat in your diet and also within your body. Your fat stores will be broken down and transformed into carbohydrates when you need fuel. Even if you're burning lots of carb calories and less fat calories through exercise, your fat still inevitably gets used.

It boils — not burns — down to this: During the same amount of time you don't use more calories at lower exercise intensities. If you're trying to lose weight and you have only 30 minutes to work out, you would burn fewer calories walking at a moderate pace compared to walking at a fast pace. Working out at higher intensities may cause you to burn a lower percentage of fat, but since you burn more total calories, you still use more fat calories. Low- to moderate-intensity exercise can burn a significant number of calories over a period of time. If you aren't fit enough to push yourself to work at a high intensity, or you have a physical weakness that prevents you from doing so, you can still burn a lot of calories by doing low-intensity workouts for a longer period of time.

Myth: Running, cycling, or other cardio activities are more fat burning once you've been doing them for more than 15 or 20 minutes.

The Truth: Technically, once you've been exercising for 15 or 20 minutes, your body has made the shift to using a higher percentage of fat for fuel. But again, if you're trying to lose weight, it's about the total number of calories burned, not necessarily the fuel source.

For example, say that at rest you burn up to 60 percent fat. When you enter the initial phases of intense exercise, the ratio changes. You may now burn only 30 percent fat because your body is using quick-energy carbohydrates. Once the exercise is sustained, the body switches back to using a higher percentage of fat to fuel the movement (up to 75 percent fat). In this aerobic phase of exercise, a higher percentage of fat is being used for energy. But if you aren't working out for a very long period, you may still burn more total calories and, therefore, more fat calories working out harder.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Burn Fat Not Sugar to Lose Weight

Health and lifespan is determined by the proportion of fat versus sugar people burn throughout their lifetime. The more fat that one burns as fuel, the healthier the person will be, and the more likely they will live a long time. The more sugar a person burns, the more disease ridden and the shorter a lifespan a person is likely to have.

Becoming a Fat Burner
How does one learn to, and how does one become a fat burner? How does one change their primary fuel from sugar to fat? One gets good at most anything by doing it frequently. You can become a good tennis player by playing tennis frequently and a good golf player by golfing frequently. Likewise, your body becomes adapted to burning fat by burning fat frequently. However, most people become very adapted at burning sugar; your body continues to want to "keep playing" sugar, to burn more sugar, even when you are not eating.

When you're sleeping at night, your body then prefers to burn sugar and it gets that sugar by breaking down proteins in your body, which means lean body mass, which includes muscle and bone. You can call that metabolic momentum. Your body continues to like to do what it has become accustomed to doing. If you have burned sugar throughout the day, you prefer to burn sugar at night even when you are not eating. Your body does not store very much sugar and prefers to hold onto much of it and, therefore, you'll continue to manufacture sugar by a process called gluconeogenesis from lean body mass.

You store fat and, in many people, lots of it -- in your "cupboard" and not very much sugar, because fat is the fuel that yourt your body would prefer to store and later to burn to stay healthy.

However, when you eat sugar and fat together, your body will burn sugar first. Sugar causes damage by glycosylation and having it around too long is extremely damaging and accelerates aging. Therefore, your body might get rid of sugar to minimize the damage caused by keeping it around. You'll have to burn off almost all the sugar that you eat before you can start burning fat and, in most cases, that means that the fat you have eaten with sugar gets stored.

Your body continues to become adapted to burning sugar and not fat. People can't lose weight not so much because they eat fat, but because they have forgotten how to become a fat burner, and because of poor hormonal communication.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fast Weight Loss - The Advantages of Schwinn 240 Recumbent Exercise Bike

Do you know what recumbent exercise bike is?

A recumbent exercise bike is a bike that has back support seat, places the rider in a laid-back reclining position. Most riders choose this bike such as Schwinn 240 recumbent exercise bike for ergonomic reasons; the rider's weight is distributed comfortably over a larger area, supported by back and buttocks.

One of the superb ways to burn more fat when exercising is to use Schwinn 240 recumbent exercise bike. Cycling is easy to do and requires no gymnasium membership, and little or no maintenance and particularly indoors the place it can be used year round regardless of climate conditions. The graceful elliptical motion greatly reduces the danger of influence injuries, nice information for aging fitness fanatics and those who are likely to get injured easily. And, it is also a fun way to burn calorie and lose weight.

Here are some benefits of exercising with bike:

-Help tone muscle mass, significantly leg muscles.
-Burn more fat
-Boost stamina level
-Improving cardiovascular health

The issue nevertheless, is that many normal exercise bikes may cause serious discomfort for anybody who rides them commonly for prolonged intervals of time. Elements of bicycle design do not essentially accommodate many features of the human body and can cause as much hurt as good. To assist forestall these problems, there’s a wide variety of recumbent exercise bikes that is accessible which may make exercising enjoyable and rewarding without the discomfort. As a result of a recumbent bike allow the rider to recline, the seat distributes body weight extra evenly than typical bike seats.

The upright bike seats causes sores on the legs, uneven distribution of blood throughout the body, and pressure on the pubic bone. Along with being extra snug and less prone to such health and bodily problems, recumbent seats are likely to extra cushioned and causes less problems with blood circulation.

Recumbent bikes additionally help make understanding seem less of an “ordeal”. The reclined position provides aid for the arms and lower-back in comparison with upright bike riding the place the rider is hunched over the handlebars at an unnatural angle. Pressure on the nerves within the arms, shoulders, and lower-back may cause intense ache or numbness, and sometimes end in serious injury. As a result of exercise bikes are saved within the comfort of a rider’s dwelling, they can be utilized at any time in any climate conditions.

The recumbent exercise bikes are even better suited for dwelling use, as a result of the position of the body is similar to that in any chair or sofa, allowing the rider to watch television or hearken to music while pedaling helping to make the exercise go by that much faster. With the precise machine like Schwinn 240 recumbent exercise bike, a calorie-burning workout routine might be as relaxing and low-key as it’s helpful to a rider’s comfort degree, which may imply understanding longer. Your exercising to lose weight would be more fun with it.

To learn more about recumbent bikes, read the review on Schwinn 240 recumbent exercise bike here.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Important of Exercise Role in Weight Loss Programs

Just about everybody seems to be interested in weight loss. Some of us weigh just the right amount, others need to gain a few pounds. Most of us "battle the bulge" at some time in our life. Whatever our goals, we should understand and take advantage of the important role of exercise in weight loss programs.

Carrying around too much body fat is a major nuisance. Yet excess body fat is common in modern-day living. Few of today's occupations require vigorous physical activity, and much of our leisure time is spent in sedentary pursuits. Recent estimates indicate that 34 million adults are considered obese (20 percent above desirable weight). Also, there has been an increase in body fat levels in children and youth over the past 20 years. After infancy and early childhood, the earlier the onset of obesity, the greater the likelihood of remaining obese.

Excess body fat has been linked to such health problems as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis and certain forms of cancer. Some evidence now exists showing that obesity has a negative effect on both health and longevity.

Exercise is associated with the loss of body fat in both obese and normal weight persons. A regular program of exercise is an important component of any plan to help individuals lose, gain or maintain their weight. Exercise is crucial to lose weight fast.

Overweight or Overfat?
Overweight and overfat do not always mean the same thing. Some people are quite muscular and weigh more than the average for their age and height. However, their body composition, the amount of fat versus lean body mass (muscle, bone, organs and tissue), is within a desirable range. This is true for many athletes. Others weigh an average amount yet carry around too much fat. In our society, however, overweight often implies overfat because excess weight is commonly distributed as excess fat. The addition of exercise to a weight loss program helps control both body weight and body fat levels.

A certain amount of body fat is necessary for everyone. Experts say that percent body fat for women should be about 20 percent, 15 percent for men. Women with more than 30 percent fat and men with more than 25 percent fat are considered obese.

How much of your weight is fat can be assessed by a variety of methods including underwater (hydrostatic) weighing, skinfold thickness measurements and circumference measurements. Each requires a specially trained person to administer the test and perform the correct calculations. From the numbers obtained, a body fat percentage is determined. Assessing body composition has an advantage over the standard height-weight tables because it can help distinguish between "overweight" and "overfat."

An easy self-test you can do is to pinch the thickness of the fat folds at your waist and abdomen. If you can pinch an inch or more of fat (make sure no muscle is included) chances are you have too much body fat.

People who exercise appropriately increase lean body mass while decreasing their overall fat level. Depending on the amount of fat loss, this can result in a loss of inches without a loss of weight, since muscle weighs more than fat. However, with the proper combination of diet and
exercise, both body fat and overall weight can be reduced.

Conclusion: Regular exercise speed up weight loss.

How To Lose Weight - 10 Weight Loss Tips

If losing weight can reduce your risk of serious health problems, then go for it!

Being overweight or obese raises your risk of many serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, and even cancer. But losing even a few pounds can reduce these risks!

One pound = 3,500 calories.
- If you eat 3,500 calories more than you burn,you gain a pound.
- If you burn 3,500 calories more than you eat,you lose a pound.

The exact number of calories a person needs depends on age, sex, and activity level.
- Most men ages 41 to 60 need about 2,200 calories a day.
- Most women the same age need fewer – between 1,600 and 1,800 a day.

To lose weight and keep it off, don’t suffer and DON’T DO “FAD” DIETS, but make changes you enjoy and can stick with long-term.

If you are planning to lose weight, here's what you can do:

10 Weight Loss Tips

  1. Take your time. Aim to lose only 1 or 2 pounds a week. People who lose weight faster are more likely to gain it back. Don’t be tempted by “fad” diets and drugs.They don’t work for long, and some are dangerous.
  2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Keep a daily food diary for a while. Most people eat out of habit and are unaware of how much they consume. Don’t eat in front of the TV. Get a real plate and sit down at the table. Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes to start feeling full. People who eat too fast often eat too much.
  3. Watch your empty-beverage calories. One regular can of soda,or one sugary drink has about 150 empty calories (no nutritional value). One less sugar-sweetened drink a day = a 15-lb. weight loss in a year. Drink water, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk instead of regular soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks.
  4. Prepare more meals at home. It’s easier to know and control what you eat when you prepare your own food. Home-cooked meals are usually healthier and less expensive than eating out. Read Nutrition Facts labels when you shop.
  5. Choose carefully when eating out. To lose weight, eat out less. Some entrees and large fast-food meals have more than 1,500 calories -- almost enough for a whole day! When you do eat out, watch out for large portions. Split an order, or take half of it home. Choose healthier items, such as salads (but watch the dressing!)
  6. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Aim for 5 to 9 servings a day. They help keep you healthy – and fill you up on very few calories.
  7. Feel full on fewer calories. Make smarter choices.You could have 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables for every one fast-food taco salad (800 calories). Choose high-fiber foods that fill you up: fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, and whole-grain cereals, breads, and pasta. Have a broth-based soup or green salad at the start of a meal. Drink plenty of water – at least 8 glasses a day.
  8. Choose healthier snacks. Snack on fruits and vegetables instead of candy, cookies, and chips. Try pretzels, low-fat popcorn, or low-fat frozen yogurt.
  9. Don’t skip breakfast. People who eat breakfast lose weight easier. Skipping meals makes you hungrier and more likely to overeat.
  10. Get moving! Physical activity improves mood and makes you healthier – even if you don’t lose weight. Get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, such as brisk walk, at least 5 days a week. You don’t have to join a gym or buy a lot of expensive equipment. Just walking burns calories, improves heart health, and strengthens muscles. Get off the bus or subway one stop early and walk the rest of the way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
There you have, 10 weight loss tips that really work.