Friday, March 30, 2012

Raspberry Ketone, A Miracle Fat-Burner But Is It Real?

Click here for --- Raspberry Ketone and African Manggo, ultra weight loss supplement.

1. What Is This Raspberry Ketone Craze

What's all this you've been hearing about raspberry ketones, you wonder? It was a supplement touted by Dr. Oz on The Dr. Oz show not too long ago. Dr. Oz, if you haven't heard of him, is somewhat of a guru in the natural supplement world, and what he says goes. Sort of like Oprah. When he mentions a product the internet is on fire with searches. Natural supplement vendors and pharmacists need to become experts on the product over night to speak with consumers the following day.

Raspberry ketones are supposed to promote fat loss WITHOUT the thermogenic effect you experience from many other diet supplements - it lowers fat absorption and helps breaks down the fat that you do absorb without stimulating the cardiovascular system.

Raspberry ketones are derived from the European red raspberry; a fruit that has been consumed for centuries. Like many fruits, European red raspberry contains many compounds beneficial to overall health. However, raspberry ketones are the aromatic quality of raspberries and are very much expensive. That means that most raspberry ketones are created by scientists simply combining the same components that make up the natural ketone. There is no difference and it is much more cost effective as the yield is 99%.

The equivalent amount of red raspberries you would need to consume to garner the same effects as taking a supplement? 90 pounds.

While I have not personally tried this approach to weight loss, apparently the current craze is justified. This simple, natural supplement has provided many with the means to stimulate weight loss. A study was performed in 2005 by Morimoto et al. and it was concluded that raspberry ketones induce lipolysis, that is, the breaking down of fat cells. Mice were fed a high fat diet and thus rendered obese. They were then subsequently fed raspberry ketones along with the same high fat diet and it was determined that raspberry ketones prevented the high fat side effects (aka weight gain around the abdominal area as well as the liver) as well as helped the mice lose the weight already accumulated. It was a result of the raspberry ketones working to increase lipid metabolism.

Although this experiment was admittedly NOT performed on humans, we are expected to reap the same benefits as the rodents and many have reported as such. The recommended daily dosage is 200 mgs a day - 100 mgs at breakfast and the remaining 100 mgs at lunch.

There have been no side effects reported, however if you are pregnant or diabetic, please consult your physician. Under 18? Consult your physician.

When you're looking around to purchase raspberry ketones, be sure that it is listed as the main ingredient - not at the bottom of the ingredient list. As in many cases, this supplement will be the MOST EFFECTIVE when combined with exercise and healthy food consumption. You cannot expect to eat whatever you want and lose weight or keep the WEIGHT OFF - your eating habits must improve in order for your weight to improve.

The FDA has recognized raspberry ketones since 1965 and has stated that they are considered relatively safe.

If you're allergic to raspberries, I wouldn't recommend taking this supplement, but it is ALWAYS best to consult a physician.

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2. Raspberry Ketones, Natural Ingredients in Weight Control Management

Using Raspberry Ketones have been shown to be incredibly helpful for those who are working toward a healthy weight and a healthier lifestyle. Used in conjunction with almost any type of diet has the propensity for reducing weight gain. When used in conjunction with a lower fat and healthier more well-balanced diet raspberry ketones have been shown to significantly aid in weight loss. These benefits make this product quite desirable and sought after.

Raspberry Ketone is an organic compound. It is the chemical that is responsible for producing the wonderful smell that is associated with raspberries. It is produced by the raspberry plant in nature. Being used in foods and in perfumes because of the lovely aroma that comes from the compound. It is theorized that when used as a supplement along with a healthy diet this aromatic compound raises the core body temperature just enough to increase the metabolism and boost the body's ability to burn fat and calories. RK also seem to have the ability to reduce the overall amount of fat that is absorbed into the body from a normal diet. In the past some dietitians, nutritionists, trainers and even a few doctors would suggest eating a few raspberries with meals which would help with weight loss and adhering to a healthy eating plan. The great taste and high fiber content of the berries act to both satisfy and fill-up a hungry person. In order to get the full benefit of ingredients found in supplements one would need to eat a very large and rather insurmountable amount of berries.

In addition to the increased ability to lose and maintain weight loss, also help to maintain healthy blood cholesterol and fat levels. Furthermore, it has been suggested that these compounds aid in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Of course, better blood pressure and cholesterol levels will mean a healthier cardiovascular system. These compounds also have been suggested as possible cancer fighters. Some components of this compound are effective in protecting the colon, esophagus, liver and skin from damage. Contains anti-oxidants which are important in fighting free-radicals in the body. Raspberry Ketones have anti-inflammatory properties that may be able to help with pain and soreness associated with inflammation, such as aching muscles after exercise or stiff or sore joints. The large numbers of health benefits that can be gained when using these compounds make them a desirable supplement not only for weight loss but also as a significant aid in overall better health.

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3. Raspberry Ketone Supplements Are the Easiest Way to Lose Weight

Many people nowadays are trying to lose weight and become slimmer and therefore healthier. Unfortunately, also many of them decide to avoid the path that seems a little bit more challenging (dieting and exercise) and take the other paths, which promise amazing results in a few days. Losing weight fast is not a natural and healthy solution at all. On contrary, by working with strange methods that promise you the silhouette you've always dreamt of are often huge scams that usually make you very sick. Furthermore, many of such methods are well-recognized for their yo-yo effect: you will start losing weight rapidly in the first period of time using the specific product and after a short time, you will get even fatter. This is, in fact, a marketing strategy applied by many so called health companies, used to manipulate people into buying more and more products form their stocks.

If you want to start dropping weight, be patient and study every alternative available. Of course, the most efficient and healthiest method of losing weight is the one combining exercise, a healthy diet and a 100% natural supplement created to boost your metabolism's function. One of such supplements, as Dr. Oz himself declared after prolonged studies, is the one using the amazing properties of Raspberry Ketone. Raspberry Ketone is a primary compound in red raspberries. Chemically, this is a natural phenolic that is very much similar to synephrine and capsaicin - the most effective substances that address fat in the human body. It is used all over the world to give scent and aroma in perfumery, cosmetics and foods. Besides this, Raspberry Ketone has also an amazing power to control the hormones' release of thyroid, which is one of the most important organs responsible with the uncontrollable weight gain.

The Raspberry Ketone compound accelerates the pace at which the human metabolism works. We all already understood how much damage a slow metabolism can do, especially to a body that is already rich in unwanted fat. Accelerating the metabolism, the food you ingest will break-down and much easier in the body, making for the foods to be easily absorbed and converted into energy, not deposit fat.

Another compound responsible with making us fat is the glucose. The higher glucose levels in our bodies are, the faster we put on weight. Raspberry Ketone comes in the picture again and saves the situation, by containing and releasing the protein adiponectin. It is common knowledge, in the world of nutritionists that a lack of adiponectin in our bodies, leads to weight gain and even obesity. Thanks to the amazing substances in Raspberry Ketone, this can no longer be regarded as an obesity problem, because a natural supplement of ketones will provide the perfect needed amount of adiponectin.

Besides the weight loss benefits, Raspberry Ketone supplements will come with many other health benefits, due to their high content of antioxidants, niacin, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B, manganese, copper and magnesium. All these ingredients occur 100% naturally in the Raspberry Ketone, just like the weight loss compounds.

In conclusion, if you decide to change something in your life... and by that I mean losing some weight and feeling healthier, the natural way is the only way to go with. Combine Raspberry Ketone natural supplements with a great diet and a good exercise program and you won't be disappointed.

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